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Clinical and instrumental characteristics of patients with chronic heart failure and reduced left ventricular ejection fraction depending on renal dysfunction
Incidence of Helicobacter pylori infection in acute coronary syndrome patients of different age and gender with pre-existing primary arterial hypertension
Evaluation of postural balance in patients after trancient ischemic attack in vertebral basilar system
Features of broncho-obstructive syndrome in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases in connection with active and diseased pulmonary tuberculosis
Recurrent urinary tract infections and their effective intermittent therapy with the drug CYSTO-AURIN® (Solidago virgaurea)
β-Blockers and erectile dysfunction: more questions than answers
The role of a low carbohydrate — high fat diet in treatment and prevention of diabetes and obesity
Indicators of antioxidant defense, oxidant system and systemic inflammatory response in patients with chronic systolic heart failure, depending on the main clinical and instrumental characteristics