Recurrent urinary tract infections and their effective intermittent therapy with the drug CYSTO-AURIN® (Solidago virgaurea)

July 31, 2018
Specialities :

The article presents the results of the study of the clinical and laboratory efficacy of intermittent therapy with the drug Cysto-aurin® (Solidago virgaurea), as well as its effect on the quality of life of patients with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs). There are evidence of a significant reduction in a number of relapses of IMPs by 92.3% during 6 months of treatment with the drug. The positive effect of the therapy on pyuria, reduction of proinflammatory activity and statistically significant reduction of manifestations of inflammation in the urinary system are shown. The reduction of leukocyturia was 73.4%. A clinically and statistically significant bacteriostatic effect was noted, both in treatment (41.0%) and 6-month follow-up period (30.3%), as well as the antibacterial effect in relation to clinically significant uropathogens, a significant reduction in the severity of the key clinical symptoms of the recurrent IMPs, a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.

M.V. Shostak, F.I. Kostjev, E.I. Lukinuk

Key words: urinary tract infections, chronic recurrent cystitis, Solidago virgaurea, Cysto-aurin®.

Published: 04.09.2018


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