Evaluation of postural balance in patients after trancient ischemic attack in vertebral basilar system

August 13, 2018
Specialities :

The parameters of computer stabilometry in patients with cervical osteochondrosis after transient ischemic attack in vertebral basilar basin, depending on age, sex and the presence of neurological symptoms, were studied. We investigated 30 patients, 18 women and 12 men aged 23 to 67 years. The 1st group included 21 patients aged 23 to 59 years, 2nd group — 9 patients aged 60 and over years. After systematization of complaints and symptoms, 15 patients formed a group with vestibulo-atactic syndrome and 15 — with cochleovestibular syndrome. For all patients a computer stabilometry was conducted using a stable bioluminescence complex with a biological feedback «Stabilan-01», the procedure of which included Romberg, rotation and optokinetic tests. It was found that in patients with deprivation of vision, there was a disturbance of the vertical stability, which was manifested by an increase in the fluctuations of the center of pressure in the frontal and sagittal planes, the velocity of the center of pressure, the area of ​the statokinesiogram and the rate of its change, indicating the control system of the motion balance stresses and raising the threshold proprioceptive sensitivity. In the test with the turning of the head to the right and left, changes in the indexes showed the contribution of vertebral basilar basin blood flow disturbances in the postural deficiency of the patients. Among the stabilometric parameters gender and age differences were not founded. The features of maintenance of postural balance in patients with vestibulo-atactic and cochleovestibular syndrome were revealed.

I.S. Zozulya, V.G. Nesukai, G.V. Kortunova

Key words: transient ischemic attack, vertebral basilar basin, postural balance, computerized stabilometry.

Published: 05.09.2018


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