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Conceptual functional and organizational model of the system of interaction of health care institutions within one hospital district
Poltava State Medical University and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences: unity of the scientific community during the war in Ukraine
Negative components of diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity with fatal consequences
Analysis of the financial condition and evaluation of the efficiency of logistics in MNPE «Kyiv City Consulting and Diagnostic Center»
Rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in primary health care facilities (according to sociological survey)
Cardiocerebral syncopal and crisis states: etiopathogenetic mechanisms, clinic, diagnosis, treatment, prevention
The effect of albumin solution on the level of cytokines in women with preeclampsia in the peripartum period
Features of systemic inflammatory response formation in patients in the acute period of burn disease