Radiothermometry as a dynamic method of examination of the chemoradiotherapy efficiency in patients with malignant neoplasm of the oral cavity, oral and laryngal parts of the pharynx

October 21, 2022

Aim: to find out the dynamic changes of radiothermometry (RTM) indicators during chemoradiotherapy of patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity, oral and laryngeal parts of the pharynx in neglected sta­ges and to determine the role of RTM in predicting patient survival.

Object and research methods. 46 patients with malignant neoplasms of the oral cavity, oral and laryngeal part of the pharynx T1-4N0-2M0 stages were exami­ned. Patients received 2 courses of chemotherapy (CT) and 3 courses of remote radiation therapy (RRT) on the «AGAT-R1» device with standard fields split fractionation. Four stages of RTM were carried out: before starting treatment, after the completion of the 1st and the 2-nd courses of CT and after the 1st stage of RRT for the set volume of irradiation up to total focal dose 30 Gy.

Results. A significant decrease of the RTM absolute parameters after the 1st course of CT (p<0.05) with a tendency to rase them after two courses of CT and a significant increase to the initial level after the 1st course of RRT (p<0.05) was noted. The average hardware temperature ≥36.6° C and the temperature in the tumor center and on the metastasis ≥36.4° C after the 1st course of RRT, as well as the relative temperature in the tumor center and on the metastasis ≥0.2 and ≥0.3° C, respectively, after the 1st course of CT and the relative temperature in the tumor center ≥0.3° C after the 1st course of RRT were associated with patient survival >18 months.

Conclusions. RTM is an early informative method for monitoring the effectiveness of chemoradiotherapy of the oropharyngeal zone malignant tumors. RTM indicators can be used as prognostic criteria for patient survival for more than 18 months.


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