Preoperative preparation for peritonitis

October 19, 2022
Specialities :

Aim: to highlight the current views on preoperative preparation for peritonitis.

Materials and methods. 360 patients with acute peritonitis of various genesis were treated in the surgical department of the Brovary Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital during 2021 (186 (51.7%) women and 174 (48.3%) men).

Results. The method of treatment of patients with peritonitis is developed in the clinic. The preoperative period should last no longer than 2–3 hours and be held in parallel with the diagnostic program. When preparing a patient for surgery, it is necessary to carry out: bladder catheterization and urine volume control, nasogastric tube insertion, central vein catheterization, homeostasis correction and stabilization of the patient’s condition by infusion therapy, antibacterial therapy, adequate anesthesia, cleansing enema. The condition of patients was assessed by modified APACHE II scale to determine the risk of mortality in the preoperative period. In 5 fatal cases, the indicators of the modified APACHE II scale were in the range of 8–28 points.

Conclusions. As a result of pronounced endotoxicosis phenomena, all patients with peritonitis are subject to mandatory preoperative preparation lasting 2–3 hours, which is aimed at improving homeostasis indicators and on which the outcome of the patient’s treatment largely depends.


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