Обкладинка журналу

Номер: 3 (149) – V/VI 2022

Останній номер:
3 (149) – V/VI 2022
Зображення банера

Research article

Accompanying factors of comorbid conditions in patients with a conducting etiological sign of acute intestinal infection
Negative components of diagnostic and treatment tactics in patients with acute surgical diseases of the abdominal cavity with fatal consequences
Rehabilitation of patients with the consequences of injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system in primary health care facilities (according to sociological survey)
The effect of albumin solution on the level of cytokines in women with preeclampsia in the peripartum period
Features of systemic inflammatory response formation in patients in the acute period of burn disease
Analysis of staffing and financial condition as components of the logistics management of the MNPE «Rubizhne Central City Hospital» Rubizhne City Council of Luhansk region
Retrospective analysis of the main indicators of efficiency of Kosiv Central District Hospital activity for the period 2014–2018
Comparative effect of dyslipidemia and hypothyroidism on the morphofunctional condition of the heart in coronary heart disease
Problems of managing the process dental care in certified quality management systems
Anatomical and biomechanical justification and role of the residual angle of deviation of the lower leg in unicompartmental knee replacement
Evaluation of the detection of phenotypic markers of undifferentiated connective tissue dysplasia in women at risk of preterm birth