Parkhomenko O.M.
Parkhomenko O.M.
April 11, 2022
The effectiveness of modern immunomodulatory and cardiometabolic therapy in correction the risk of hospital complications in patients with acute myocardial infarction with myocardial revascularization: the results of multifactorial analysis
Cardiology, Rheumatology
Therapy, General practice
Shumakov O.V.
Dovgan О.V.
Parkhomenko O.M.
Talaeva T.V.
Tretyak I.V.
Kushnir S.P.
October 12, 2021
Intravenous 5-lipoxygenase inhibitor quercetin prevents the development of intramyocardial hemorrhage in timely revascularized patients with STEMI
Cardiology, Rheumatology
Lutay Ya.M.
Parkhomenko O.M.
Yershovа O.B.