International guidelines for the treatment of anxiety: does the real clinical practice in Ukraine correspond to them?

June 28, 2023
УДК:  616.89-008.454
Specialities :

Anxiety disorders are among the most common pathological conditions, have a direct positive correlations with external epidemiological and military risks, and are associated with a high economic burden. Its etiopathogenesis is complex and includes genetic, neurobiological, and psychosocial factors. According to current clinical guidelines, both psychotherapy (low- and high-intensity psychological interventions) and pharmacotherapy, mainly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, can be used in first-line treatment, and drugs of other groups, including calcium modulators, can be used for second-line treatment. Among the first-line drugs, escitalopram plays an important role, and pregabalin is the second-line drug.


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