Обкладинка журналу

Номер: 1 (111) – I/II 2016

Останній номер:
1 (111) – I/II 2016
Зображення банера

For a medical practitioner

Emergency assistance in tachycardia, neurosis and insomnia
Psychosomatic, hormonal and metabolic disorders in men with diabetes mellitus type 2: metabolic aspects of correction
CYSTO-AURYN®: effective phytotherapy and prevention of relapse of acute cystitis
EVKABAL® SYRUP: effective and safe therapy for acute cough due to acute respiratory viral infections
Sedative phytotherapy in correction of the emotional status in patients with the neurological profile
Arguments and facts in nephrology. Uncomplicated urinary tract infections in the light of antibiotic resistance
Acute respiratory infections. Effect of ibuprofen on the main symptoms of acute respiratory diseases in children
Local empirical treatment of acute sore throat
Extensive big toe’s reflex — Babinski symptom: methods of inducing, pathophysiology and semiological significance
Symptomatic treatment of heartburn: what’s new? (view of the clinical pharmacologist)
Combined phyto drug Sinupret® as a mean of pathogenetic therapy for nasal symptoms of acute respiratory infections