Information asymmetry as a source of errors in telepediatrics

30 червня 2023
УДК:  004:621.39:616.254:616-053.2:161.25
Спеціальності :

Objective: conceptual analysis of the causes of diagnostic errors in telepediatrics.

Results. The problem of providing quality medical care to children with the use of teleconsultation technologies is considered. Possible errors in the diagnosis of diseases, deficiencies in the accuracy and timeliness of decision-making are analyzed, and the missed diagnostic opportunities in pediatrics are discussed. The role of information asymmetry is emphasized.

Conclusions. 1. Despite the successes of modern medical diagnostics, diagnostic errors and missed opportunities for diagnosis are noted with a noticeable frequency in pediatric primary medical care. Given that they can harm the patient, root cause analysis technology is a necessary and important tool. 2. In addition to the insufficient qualification of the doctor and consultant, there are three main reasons for diagnostic errors: incomplete and contradictory information about a sick child, disorder of diagnostic information, and information asymmetry. Creating conditions to reduce the specific weight of these factors will significantly reduce the number of diagnostic errors.


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