Justification of the use of enterosorption in patients with toxic and terminal stages of peritonitis

9 травня 2023
Спеціальності :

The aim is a study of the properties of Еnterosgel and the effectiveness of enterosorption using it in patients with peritonitis in the toxic and terminal stages.

Materials and methods. Enterosorption with Еnterosgel was performed in 31 patients with diffuse and general peritonitis of various genesis in toxic and terminal stages. In 8 (25.8%) patients, enterosorption was performed through a nasointestinal probe, and in 23 (74.2%) — orally.

Results. An increase in the content of medium-mass molecules up to 0.93±0.07 units of optical density was determined, which was 2.11 times higher than the reference values (p<0.05). A significant decrease in the toxin-binding capacity of albumin was revealed in relation to the reference indicators by 1.5 times (р<0.05). The use of detoxification therapy with enterosorbents in the complex treatment of patients with peritonitis helps to reduce the cytolytic activity of autologous serum in relation to peripheral blood leukocytes by 1.18 times relative to the initial values (р<0.05). These trends were accompanied by a decrease in the activity of the albumin fraction and an increase in its toxin-binding activity relative to the initial values by 1.25 and 1.22 times, respectively.

Conclusions. In terms of efficiency, enterosorption is not inferior to hemosorption, the level of molecules of average mass decreases by 1.8 times on the 5th day (р<0.05). The use of enterosorption in the complex treatment of patients with peritonitis promotes the tendency to restore the detoxification capabilities of blood plasma albumin and causes the functioning of effector cells of phagocytosis at a subcompensated level.


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