Aim: to determine the generation of ROS in the blood in patients with polytrauma and AWS with alcoholic delirium, depending on the method of sedation.
Materials and methods of the research. Eighty patients with moderate polytrauma and AWS complicated by alcoholic delirium were examined. The median age was 45 years. In patients of Group 1 (n=40) dexmedetomidine was chosen as the method of sedation, in Group 2 (n=40) sedation with diazepam according to the symptom-trigger protocol was used. The Confusion Assessment Method-Intensive Care Unit (CAM-ICU) method was used to diagnose delirium. Determination of ROS in erythrocytes was performed by flow cytometry using «BD FACSDivaTM» software («Becton Dickinson», USA).
Results. In patients with polytrauma and AWS, complicated by alcoholic delirium significantly increased generation of ROS in erythrocytes was found, which promotes eryptosis.
Conclusion. The use of dexmedetomidine may be recommended as a sedative in the treatment of alcoholic delirium in patients with polytrauma and AWS.