Treatment of cognitive disorders in depression caused by cerebrovascular pathology: the possibility of influencing acetylcholine neurotransmission

30 серпня 2021
Спеціальності :

In order to assess the effectiveness of the use of the drug Cereglia® (choline alfoscerate) in the complex treatment of depressive and cognitive disorders in patients with stage II dyscirculatory encephalopathy caused by atherosclerosis, a comprehensive clinical and psychodiagnostic examination was carried out (assessment of the depressive state according to the Hamilton scale; mnestic activity according to the method of memorizing ten words by A.R. Luria; cognitive functions according to the Montreal scale for the assessment of cognitive functions; the level of efficiency, concentration and stability of attention using the corrective Bourdon test; the severity of asthenic disorders according to the subjective scale for assessing asthenia (Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory) 60 patients with the indicated pathology. The results of the study prove the high efficiency of the use of neuroprotective therapy (Cereglia®) in the complex therapy of patients. It has been shown that the inclusion of the drug Cereglia® in therapy helps to reduce depressive disorders, improve cognitive functions (voluntary attention and mnestic functions), increase the level of work capacity and activity, which confirms the prospects of using the drug in the therapy of this category of patients.


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