The place and role of myofascial dysfunction in the etiopathogenesis of tension headache

10 червня 2021

The problem of tension headache and the role of myofascial dysfunction in its etiopathogenesis are considered in the article. It is noted that myofascial dysfunction is based on the myofascial trigger point — an area of increased skeletal muscle irritation a few millimeters in size as a result of tension of individual muscle bundles. Clinically, myofascial trigger points are divided into active and latent. The mechanisms of development of local and reflected myofascial pain are described, and also the role of local muscle ischemia, local inflammation and pericranial muscles in the genesis of tension headache are discussed. The facts in favor of the concept that tension headache can be a myofascial reflected pain are given. Attention is paid to the biomechanical characteristics of the musculoskeletal system of the neck with tension headache. Measures for effective management of myofascial dysfunction, which can prevent the development of central sensitization and counteract the chronicity of tension headache, are presented.


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