Trends in inpatient and postoperative mortality as indicators of patient safety at the level of individual hospital facilities (report 2)

29 грудня 2020
Спеціальності :

The levels of inpatient and postoperative mortality were analyzed in the period from 2010 to 2019 in individual health care institutions in Kiev and the Kiev region. The dynamics of these indicators is compared with the indicators of treatment and diagnostic work in these medical institutions. The informativeness of inpatient and postoperative mortality was assessed as indicators of the quality of medical care and its important component — patient safety. The data of the annual statistical collections «Health care institutions and population morbidity in Ukraine» of the centers of medical statistics in Kiev and Kiev region, National reports on the state of technogenic and environmental safety in Ukraine (2006–2015), analytical reviews of the state of technogenic and natural safety in Ukraine (2016–2018), thematic publications in domestic and foreign publications.


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