Possibilities of multispiral computed tomography in the diagnosis of vertebral artery compression syndrome

18 листопада 2020
Спеціальності :

Compression syndrome of the vertebral artery is a polyetiological nosology, manifested by a number of clinical symptoms. The aim is to determine the pathology variants and causes of compression of the vertebral artery using multislice computed tomography — angiography. The identified factors of the vertebral artery syndrome were divided into the so-called intravasal (associated with various changes in the vascular wall) and extravasal (associated with changes in the structures of the holes of the transverse processes of the cervical vertebrae). A separate group was assigned to patients with anomalies of the aortic arch or neck tumors, which led to the development of the syndrome of compression of the vertebral artery. The studies carried out made it possible to clarify the clinical diagnoses in patients with vertebral artery compression syndrome in order to choose the optimal method of treatment.


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