Inpatient and postoperative mortality trends as indicators of patient safety in Ukraine

3 липня 2020
Спеціальності :

The levels of inpatient and postoperative mortality in the period from 2003 to 2019 were analyzed as indicators of patient safety. The dynamics of these indicators is compared with the trends in population demographic losses as a result of occupational and non-occupational injuries, as well as from road traffic accidents. The research material was the work of international organizations, the domestic regulatory framework for ensuring and monitoring the quality of medical care, scientific publications of domestic and foreign patients’ safety experts, annual reports on the work of healthcare institutions in Kiev and the Kiev region and in Ukraine as a whole for the period from 2003 to 2019, national health accounts and reports on occupational and non-occupational injuries during this period. Research methods: bibliographic, retrospective estimates, statistical and mathematical.


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