Diagnosis and treatment of persistent viral infection and neuroinfections

27 грудня 2019
Спеціальності :

The aim was to study the diagnosis, clinical picture and treatment of lesions of the nervous system in viral and bacterial infections. Object and research methods. In the neurosurgical department № 2 of the Kiev City Clinical Emergency Hospital, 50 patients with an initial diagnosis of «acute cerebrovascular accident» were examined and treated. The main group consisted of patients with herpetic encephalitis caused by the herpes virus-1, cytomegalovirus infection, infection, caused by respiratory viruses, and bacterial infection. Detailed neurological examination, laboratory tests of blood, cerebrospinal fluid, neuroimaging, ultrasound dopplerography of the brain vessels were carried out. Results. The etiological structure and prevalence of acute and chronic inflammatory infections has been established. It is noted that herpetic etiology of meningoencephalitis takes one of the first places. Features of the encephalitis in case of cytomegalovirus infection, Epstein — Barr virus infection, influenza meningitis, meningococcal infection, mixed infection are given. Diagnostic approaches and modern principles of drug treatment are presented.

Published: 27.12.2019


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