Modern approaches of the diagnostics and intensive care of combined methadone poisonings in the specialised toxicological centre

16 травня 2018
Спеціальності :

In recent years, the number of methadone poisonings in Kiev increased significantly. Poisonings are characterize by severe course, high mortality rate, complications in clinical diagnosis and treatment. Aim — to study the features of methadone poisoning, deaths to minimize lethality and disability. Materials and methods. Cases of acute methadone poisoning (n=1000), acts of forensic research (n=35), statistical reports of the Kiev Toxicological Center (2005–2017), toxicological, biochemical, functional research methods, retrospective analysis and «MS Excel» tools. Results. The acute methadone poisonings are the most dangerous form of drugs poisoning, which confirmed by a 2.5-fold increase in their number over the past 5 years and a special course of poisoning characterized by various complications and high mortality rates (up to 8.3%). The main factors that formed the level of lethality were the lethal dose of the poison, the presence of concomitant diseases, prolonged narcotic illness and various complications. The program of intensive therapy in methadone poisoning differed from the standard treatment regimen of the opioid coma and aimed at rapid detoxification using the membrane therapy (hemodialysis, ultrafiltration). Conclusions. Today, methadone poisonings are the socially significant problem, which requires careful study and urgent measures to minimize the negative effects on human health.

O.V. Ivashchenko, V.V. Andryushchenko, A.G. Bogomol, M.M. Kalish, N.V. Kurdil

Key words: toxicology, drugs, methadone.

Published: 15.05.2018


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