Characteristics of staffing of specialized oncological care in Ukraine

January 22, 2025
УДК:  616-006-08:614.253.1(477)

Objective: to study and analyze the level of staffing of specialized oncological care in Ukraine in the pre-war period and during the war.

Materials and methods. Materials: data of sectoral statistical reporting of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for the years 2021–2023. Statistical data from the territories controlled by Ukraine have been processed. Methods: bibliosemantic, medico-statistical and of structural-and-logical analysis.

Results. In general, in the health care system of Ukraine, there is a tendency to increasing of the number of oncologists (the whole group) and pediatric oncologists, alongside with a tendency to reduction of the staff and personnel of the nursing staff of the oncology service of the system of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. The deterioration of the staffing of the system of specialized oncological care concerns the regions of active hostilities and the territories close to them: Donetsk, Zaporizhzhia, Kharkiv, and Kherson regions.

Conclusions. During the war as a whole, no significant changes in the staffing of specialized oncological care have been established in the healthcare system of Ukraine, which indicates the priority of providing oncological care to the population. A decrease in the number of oncologists and the level of their certification, the number of full-time positions of paramedical personnel of the oncology service in healthcare institutions in the regions suffering from the war was registered.


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