Features of the configuration of coronary arteries in patients with cardiac myxomas

December 27, 2024
УДК:  616.12-006.325-089

Current studies on coronary artery tortuosity (CAT) include information on the visual characteristics and clinical consequences of tortuous coronary vessels in cardiac function and do not consider the features of coronary arteries in patients with cardiac tumors. During surgical treatment of patients with cardiac myxomas (CM), a high frequency of CAT was observed. To determine the frequency and comparative analysis of the degree of CAT, the results of coronary angiography of 67 patients operated on for CM were studied. CAT of varying degrees was observed in all patients, with severe CAT detected in 86.6% of patients, which is significantly different from the general population, where such a CA configuration is observed in 9.2% of cases. When studying the blood plasma of 27 patients with CM, a significantly increased amount of growth factors was found in it compared to the blood plasma of normal donors, which was manifested by a pronounced stimulating effect on the growth of 4BL6 cells (which are sensitive to such factors in the culture medium). Whether this can contribute to the remodeling of the vascular wall of the coronary arteries with the formation of CCA requires further study.


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