Ultrasound densitometry: frequency of osteopenia in children with scoliosis I degree and osteopenic syndrome

October 25, 2024
УДК:  616-053.2+616.71-007.234

The purpose is to study the presence of osteopenia and the condition of bone tissue in children with scoliosis of the first degree by the method of ultrasound densitometry.

Object and methods of research. 39 children (23 girls and 16 boys) aged 7–12 years (average age 10.5±1.9 years) were examined, who in the winter of 2024 took vitamin D for 1 month in prophylactic doses. The diagnosis of scoliosis of the first degree was established based on the results of X-Ray of the spine in direct projection and the results of the computer screening photo-geometric program «Posture». The condition of the bone tissue was studied by the method of ultrasonic densitometry of the calcaneus using the Sonost 2000 device, the frequency of the linear built-in sensor being 0.5 MHz.

Results. According to the results of ultrasound densitometry of the calcaneus of children 7–12 years old, there were no difference in indicators between boys and girls, as well as by age. So 67% of children with scoliosis of the first degree had initial manifestations of osteopenia (Z-criterion — –1.2 ±0.03).

Conclusions. The examination plan of children with scoliosis of the first degree should include ultrasound densitometry. Osteopenia is characterized by a decrease in the mineral density of bone tissue, which can lead to an increase in the angle of deformation of the spine. There is a question about the development of a treatment complex already for scoliosis of the first degree, which will include calcium preparations, vitamin D in appropriate doses in course doses and exercises that will strengthen the back muscles, in order to prevent the progression of scoliosis.


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