Experience of using the Cochleaton® complex against the background of symptomatic treatment of patients with ear noise (tinnitus)

October 18, 2024
УДК:  616.28-008.12
Specialities :

The aim: evaluation of the results of the application of the Cochleaton® complex against the background of traditional therapy in patients with hearing impairment.

Materials and methods. In the Department of Ear Microsurgery and Otoneurosurgery of the SI «Institute of Otolaryngology named after Prof. O.S. Kolomiychenko of the NAMS of Ukraine» were selected and equally divided into two groups of 40 patients with tinnitus and varying degrees of hearing loss against the background of chronic sensorineural deafness. The study of hearing acuity, the degree and nature of its disorders was conducted in a soundproof chamber using acumetry and a complex of tonal and speech audiometric tests according to the traditional method using the Interacoustics AC-40 audiometer and phonetically balanced articulation speech tests. The degree of hearing impairment was assessed according to the WHO classification. The Ukrainian version of the Tinnitus functional index questionnaire was used for the quantitative assessment of tinnitus.

The results. After treatment, mean Tinnitus functional index decreased, especially in the Cochleaton® group, as evidenced by a significant difference between pre- and post-treatment scores. Subjectively, patients noted an improvement in sleep, a decrease in episodes of waking up at night, and a decrease in the feeling of insufficient rest in the morning. The Cochleaton® was well tolerated, which indicates the safety of its use in the complex symptomatic therapy of tinnitus in patients with sensorineural hearing loss.

Conclusions. The results of clinical studies allow us to recommend the Cochleaton® produced by «Universe Pharm» (Ukraine) in the complex symptomatic treatment of tinnitus in patients with sensorineural hearing loss.


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