Impact of automated medical image processing on clinical decisions in neurology

August 16, 2024
УДК:  616.8-073.756.8:004.9

The article discusses the impact of automated medical image processing on clinical decisions in neurology. Given the rapid development of artificial intelligence and machine learning technologies, automated image processing systems are becoming increasingly important in medical practice. Their impact on the accuracy of diagnosis and the effectiveness of treatment of neurological diseases, such as strokes, brain tumors, and neurodegenerative disorders, is particularly relevant. This paper assesses the extent to which automated tools improve the accuracy of medical diagnoses and reduce the time required for image processing and analysis. The advantages and possible limitations of introducing these technologies into clinical practice, including their impact on the quality of medical care and treatment effectiveness, are also analyzed. Particular attention is paid to the analysis of the integration of automated systems into existing medical systems and the study of ethical and practical challenges that accompany this implementation. Recommendations for the further development of automated systems in neurology are also presented, taking into account the identified problems and needs, which will help improve the quality of medical care and the effectiveness of treatment of neurological diseases. The study emphasizes the need for an interdisciplinary approach for the successful integration of new technologies into clinical practice.


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