Substantiation of the effectiveness of enterosorption in patients with neuroischemic forms of diabetic foot syndrome

June 13, 2024
УДК:  616.379-008.64+543.544-414
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One of the causes of diabetes mellitus (DM) is an increase in life expectancy, an aging society, the presence of obesity, and others. 5–7% of the adult population suffers from DM. According to literature sources, every 10–15 years the number of patients with DM increases by approximately 2 times. With DM, there is a high probability of a serious complication — diabetic foot syndrome (DFS), which develops in 6–11% of patients and 40–70% of them require surgical treatment. In the presence of DFS, the intoxication of the body also increases due to the purulent-inflammatory or necrotic process, which proves the need for detoxification of the body in patients with DFS.

Object and research methods. In 2021, we treated 121 patients with various stages of DFS on the basis of Municipal non-commercial enterprise «Kyiv City Clinical Hospital» No. 6. The study included 21 patients with DFS with trophic ulcers, phlegmons of the foot and wounds after amputation of one or more toes. Oral sorbent was used for the purpose of detoxification.

The results. As a result of the conducted studies, the effectiveness of enterosorption in DFS of the neuroischemic form was shown.


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