Spinal cord injury. Emergency care

June 6, 2024
УДК:  616-001+616.8+616.7+616-01/-099

Today, during the period of Russian aggression against Ukraine, polytrauma is the most commonly encountered, both in the military and in the civilian population, including children. In 34% of patients with polytrauma, there is an injury to the spine and spinal cord (cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine). The timeliness and adequacy of emergency medical care is very important. For this purpose, emergency care workers must know the indications for the use of spinal mobility restriction, when it is necessary to carry out rescue operations and quickly release the victim, how to perform spinal mobility restriction on a patient in a lying and sitting position, how to transfer a patient to a stretcher using an immobilization spinal shield or bucket stretcher, properly secure the patient on a stretcher or mobilization spinal shield, stabilize the head and neck, and perform a quick release. The victim’s life depends on the correctness of these tasks. In this report, we tried to give the mechanisms of spinal cord and spinal cord injury, clinical picture, emergency care for spinal cord, spinal cord and spinal cord injury, methods of limiting spinal mobility, and patient release.


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