The role of the state in anti-crisis management of healthcare facilities

May 17, 2024
УДК:  614.23/.25:330.342.146:658.5
Specialities :

At the current stage of the development of the medi­cal field, it is possible to single out the following problems: inadequate funding of the field and, as a result, a low level of remuneration for medical workers, an insufficient number of the latest medical technologies, an irrational organization of medical care, a low level of information support for the mana­gement of the health care system. Considering the current state of crisis, health care primarily needs state intervention in market relations that are formed in the industry. Given this, the importance of the state in the regulation of the health care industry is particularly strongly reflected in the implementation of measures aimed at updating the field.

The goal is to reveal the role of the state and anti-crisis ma­nagement of healthcare institutions.

Modern research methods were used during the research: general scientific: historical, systematic and logical analysis; graphical method.

Results. The crisis situations inherent in the field of health care are given, and the tasks and functions of the state in the anti-crisis management of health care institutions are defined.

Conclusion. The state is not able to simultaneously cover all the nuances in the event of crisis circumstances, because of this, a selective approach should be used when choosing the necessary tasks and components, which will make it possible to respond promptly to the effects of the crisis.


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