Motor disorders of the biliary tract: causes, consequences, forecast and long-term impact

April 19, 2024
УДК:  616.366
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It is changes in the synchronism of the work of the gallbladder and the sphincter apparatus of the biliary system that underlie the formation of functional disorders of the biliary tract. Biliary pathology in Ukraine has taken a leading place in the gene­ral structure of gastroenterological diseases with a tendency towards an annual increase in the number of surgical interventions performed on the gallbladder and sphincter of Oddi. Timely diagnosis and treatment of functional biliary disorders are important both from the aspect of improving the well-being of patients and improving the quality of life, and from the position of their initial role in the further progression of diseases of the biliary tract up to the development of gallstone disease. Motor disorders of the biliary tract are not only the cause of a characteristic symptom complex that reduces the quality of life of patients, but also represent a complex problem, the treatment of which is a serious challenge for clinicians.


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