Modern medicines for herbal medicine: the view of a doctor and a pharmacist

December 13, 2023
УДК:  615.322:616-085:615.15
Specialities :

Phytotherapy is one of the most important areas of therapy today. It is extremely important for a modern doctor and pharmacist to use the principles of rational herbal medicine in their daily practice, to navigate the flow of modern herbal medicine tools (medicines or dietary supplements) and to take a balanced/reasonable approach to their prescription/recommendation. In this publication, the authors highlighted the main pharmaceutical and clinical-pharmacological aspects of modern herbal remedies. They focused on the most important criteria that determine the effectiveness and safety of modern herbal medicine. Particular attention was paid to modern phytoneering medicines as reference products with proven efficacy and safety. The theoretical and applied aspects of this publication are presented on the example of some drugs manufactured by «Bionorica SE», which hold stable positions not only in the pharmaceutical market of Germany (the «birthplace» of phytoneering), but also in other Western European countries, Ukraine and a number of other countries.


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