Risk factors for cerebral circulation decline in cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases

September 7, 2023
УДК:  616-021.3+616.8-005+616-005.8

Cardiac and cerebrovascular pathology occupy a leading place in the structure of morbidity, mortality and disability of the population in Ukraine and around the world. The situation worsens with a combination of cardiac and cerebrovascular pathology. The problem of arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, chronic brain ischemia and metabolic syndrome is one of the most important in health care. Various forms of cardiac pathology make a significant contribution to the etiology, pathogenesis, and outcome of ischemic disorders of cerebral circulation. On the other hand, disorders of cerebral circulation play a significant role in the failure of compensation of cardiovascular diseases. In most cases, cerebrovascular and cardiovascular pathology have the same pathogenetic mechanisms, and often the fight against them gives a positive effect on both cardiac and cerebrovascular pathology. With the help of the latest non-invasive imaging methods, it is possible to find out the high specific weight of various forms of cardiac pathology in the etiology, pathogenesis and result of acute and chronic disorders of cerebral blood circulation. The study analyzed predictors of cerebral blood flow reduction in cardiac and cerebrovascular diseases.


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