Phytotherapy: medicines vs BAS

September 4, 2023
УДК:  615.322:615.072:616-01
Specialities :

Phytotherapy is one of the most important areas of modern therapy, which is widely used in the treatment of various diseases, especially those with a chronic course. Accordingly, the issues of safety and efficacy of phytotherapy are currently given a significant place in the healthcare systems of different countries. In this regard, the correct, balanced choice of modern phytotherapeutic elements — herbal medicines or biologically active supplements — will optimize/rationalize the process of phytotherapy, increase its effectiveness and safety. Therefore, when choosing between a medicine and a biologically active supplement, participants in the phytotherapy process (medical and pharmaceutical professionals and consumers/consumer representatives) should consider all the pros and cons regarding the degree of evidence of their efficacy and safety, production conditions, and other important criteria. The difference between medicines and biologically active supplements is a fundamentally important issue. The authors of the publication focused on these important aspects. The presented article is the first of a series of planned publications by the team of authors in this edition on modern herbal remedies and their clinical and pharmacological features of use.


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