Modern methods of treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury. Clinical experience of Ukrainian doctors — application of the Brainy pathogenetic scheme

May 25, 2023
Specialities :

Traumatic brain injury is one of the most common forms of neurosurgical and neurological pathology in the whole world, which is accompanied by high mortality and disability of patients, severe consequences with persistent temporary loss of working capacity. Treatment of patients with traumatic brain injury is a complex and multifaceted problem and requires adequate correction of many pathophysiological disorders. Currently, such therapeutic strategies as neuroprotection and symptomatic treatment do not allow to achieve the expected result and do not affect the reduction of mortality rates, which necessitates the search for new approaches to treatment. The article presents the clinical experience of using a pathogenetically based scheme of cytoprotective therapy with the drugs Xavron, Neurocitin and Tivortin, that aims to protect the neurovascular unit (vascular and nervous components) and impact on all stages of the ischemic cascade in patients with traumatic brain injury.


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