Stress, cerebrovascular pathology and vascular dementia: from the diversity of pathogenesis — to multimodal pharmacotherapy

April 5, 2023
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The article describes the impact of chronic stress on the development of psychosomatic, cerebrovascular patholo­gy, neuroses, cerebral blood circulation disorders, and chronic cerebral ischemia. Long-term spasm of cerebral vessels, microcirculatory disturbances and endothelial dysfunction are at the root of the development of cognitive dysfunction and its most severe form — vascular dementia. The main groups of symptoms, features of the clinical course and basic provisions underlying the choice of pharmacotherapy in vascular dementia are presented. Among the small arsenal of drugs — direct activators of cholinergic processes in the central nervous system — ipidacrine (Neiromidin) draws special attention as a tool of complex multimodal cholinergic and membrane protective therapy. The basis of the drug’s action is a peculiar pharmacological combination — blockade of potassium membrane channels and inhibition of acetylcholinesterase. Neiromidin exerts a complex multicomponent effect on conducting excitation in cholinergic synapses of the central nervous system. Further accumulation of experience in the use of this drug in dementia of various genesis, in particular vascular dementia, will allow clarifying the clinical and pharmacological spectrum of the effectiveness of this drug and expanding the practical scope of its use, especially under the conditions of chronic stress, which has become today one of the leading factors in the development of many forms of cerebrovascular pathology.


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