The results of a sociological study among general physicians regarding the organization of medical care for patients with malignant neoplasms of the respiratory organs

January 31, 2023

Malignant neoplasms of the respiratory organs (MNRO) are one of the main causes of mortality in Ukraine and throughout the world. General physicians must provide patients with prevention and, if necessary, treatment for a number of diseases, including malignancies. General physicians, in the conditions of reforming the health care system, face the task of providing preventive work, early detection of malignant neoplasms, and organization of medical care for patients.

The purpose of the study is to investigate the attitude of primary care physicians regarding the organization of medical care for patients with MNRO.

The materials were the results of a sociological study among general physicians. The medical-statistical method and the structural-logical analysis method were used.

Results. It was established that 19.0% of respondents do not have a qualification category; in most cases (52.4%) the patient makes a decision on where to go; only 23.8% of family doctors receive full communication with the institution to which the patient was referred; almost 20.0% of respondents believe that primary care is not ready to identify patients with MNRO, and the same number believe that their professional training needs improvement; 61.9% of doctors believe that outpatient care for patients with MNRO іs satisfactory and need to be improved.

Conclusion. All of the above points to the insufficient organization of medical care for patients with MNRO, especially in terms of the preventive component and early diagnosis, and requires scientific justification for improving the organization of medical care for oncological patients, taking into account regional characteristics.


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