Cognitive and psychoemotional disorders in patients with different forms of Lyme borreliosis

January 23, 2023
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The purpose of the work is to study the prevalence and characteristics of cognitive and emotional disorders in patients with various forms of Lyme borreliosis. We conducted a case-control study. 48 patients (33 women, 15 men) were examined. For each patient, 38«matched» controls were selected, matched by gender, age (±5 years), nationality, and place of birth. The Mini-Mental State Examination and the Montreal Scale of Cognitive Assessment were used to assess cognitive function. Assessment of affective disorders was carried out using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS). It was established that Lyme borreliosis is associated with the risk of developing of cognitive disorders (odds ratio (OR) 2.35; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03–5.33), clinically expressed anxiety (>11 points on the HADS) (OR 7.53; 95% CІ 2.82–20.14) and clinically expressed depression (OR 17.46; 95% CI 2.09–139.5). Cognitive disorders were significantly more common in patients with neuroborreliosis (OR 12.48; 95% CI 3.03–51.41; р<0.001). In patients of the neuroborreliosis subgroup, clinically expressed anxiety (>11 HADS points) was found in 25 (80.6%) and clinically expressed depression in 12 (38.7%) cases, while in all patients without neurological symptoms, and only 2 (28.6%) patients without neurological symptoms had clinically expressed anxiety (OR 31.26; 95% CІ 5.58–175.1; р<0.001), and 1 (5.9%) — clinically expressed depression (OR 10.11; 95% CІ 1.18–86.37; р=0.014).


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