Quality of education improving and it approaching to optimal level in the distance form of pathological physiology teaching to medical university students

February 27, 2023
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Distance learning is a new and unique form of education, which got forced to switch to by the previous pandemic of coronavirus disease and current war. The aim of this article is to improve the quality of education through the understanding of the effectiveness of remote work of employees of the Department of General and Clinical Pathological Physiology of Odesa National Medical University during the period of the coronavirus infection pandemic and the modern state of war, with an emphasis on the need to take into account the psychological approach to the modified training of students of higher education. The urgent need of time requires us to improve pedagogical approaches to online education of students. We see success in systematic methodological work with students, the implementation of which will make it possible to evoke and increase their motivation to study histology. The importance of this methodological technique, supported in the senior years of medical universities by the integration of teaching theoretical and clinical disciplines, the approximation of teaching to specific clinical cases will help optimize the assimilation of morphological knowledge by students at least and, undoubtedly, in the near future will lead to a better assimilation of clinical disciplines. The use of distance learning helps the students to acquire skills of independent work, creates comfortable conditions for creativity, increases the creative and intellectual potential of the student through self-organization, the ability to interact with computer technology and make responsible decisions, creates favorable conditions for individual creative expression in the process of learning, for the development of the student’s personality. The authors are convinced that the optimization and improvement of the educational process in medical universities is to draw students’ attention to the problems that the medical community is dealing with on a daily basis today.


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