Therapeutic relationships in various types of nosogenous reactions

November 17, 2022
Specialities :

Aim: to establish the frequency of nosogenic reactions in schizophrenia, alcohol addiction, their role in the process of forming patient compliance with the determination of therapeutic strategy and tactics.

Object and research methods. 46 patients with alcohol addiction and 24 with a diagnosis of «schizophrenia» took part in the study.

Results. The content of the therapeutic relationship «doctor–patient–psychotherapist» during the provision of psychiatric care is revealed. The types of nosogenic reactions in patients in the process of compliance formation were analyzed and established. A hypernosognostic type of response was found in 45.8% of patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. From 70 patients of two groups according to the Spielberger-Hanin anxiety scale, a high level of anxiety (≥45 points) was found in 16 patients, which is 22.86%.

Conclusion. The peculiarities of the formation of the attitude towards the disease are influenced by a high level of anxiety, a low degree of self-satisfaction, and the chronicity of the process, which strengthens hypernosognostic tendencies, which directly affect the therapeutic relationship.


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