Medical and social justification of the financial and economic condition of the MNP «Rohatyn Center of Primary Medical and Sanitary Care» before and after the introduction of the hospital district

November 10, 2022
Specialities :

The purpose: to study the features of the medical and social justification of the financial and economic status of the MNP «Rohatyn Center of Primary Medical and Sanitary Care» before and after the introduction of the hospital district.

Tasks: to analyze the main indicators of the effectiveness of the MNP «Rohatyn Center of Primary Medical and Sanitary Care» for the period 2018–2019, identify the main problems of inefficient functioning of the institution.

Methods. General scientific and special research methods, including analysis and synthesis, comparison, generalization, system-structural analysis, statistical analysis and analytical method, were used.

Results. The conducted in-depth analysis of the main indicators of the medical and social justification of the financial and economic condition of the specified institution before and after the introduction of the hospital district presented effective data that must be applied when developing the institution’s activity strategy for the provision of quality medical services and medical assistance.


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