Teaching the provisions of tactical medicine to students of medical institutions of higher education

September 30, 2022

The purpose is to determine the main trends in teaching the basics of tactical medicine to students of medical institutions of higher education (IHE) in the world and in Ukraine.

Materials and methods. An information search was conducted in open databases using the keywords «tactical medicine», «medical evacuation», «educational programs». Search languages: English, German, French. The search depth is 10 years. From the primary array of 1,630 sources, 20 with the greatest relevance were selected for the following content analysis. The main sections of the discipline, approaches to its teaching in different countries of the world to students of medical IHE are defined. The available TM syllabuses and the academic load when teaching the subject were analyzed. A comparison was made in the implementation of educational programs on TM issues in different target audiences.

Conclusions. 1. In the world, there are no unified approaches to teaching the basics of TM in medical IHE. 2. Appropriate integration of teaching the basics of TM into the curricula of domestic IHE at both the undergraduate and postgraduate levels.


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