Modern approaches to the differential diagnosis of stages of peritonitis

July 15, 2022
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The aim of this study was to highlight modern approaches to the differential diagnosis of stages of peritonitis.

Materials and methods. The study included 360 patients with acute diseases of the abdominal cavity complicated by peritonitis, who underwent inpatient treatment at the surgical department of Brovary Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital in 2021. The distribution of patients by sex: females — 186 (51.7%), males — 174 (48.3%).

Results. Toxic stage of peritonitis was detected in the majority of patients (188; 52.2%), reactive stage was observed in 153 (42.5%) patients, terminal stage — in 19 (5.3%) patients. According to the pre­valence of the process, local peritonitis was the most common in both sexes, amounting to 229 (63.6%) cases. According to the nature of the exudate in the abdominal cavity of the patients studied, peritonitis was most often serous — in 122 (33.9%) cases.

Conclusions. The table of differential diagnostic signs of peritonitis, supplemented and modified by us, allows to accurately determine the stage of peritonitis in patients to choose the right treatment tactics.


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