Conceptual functional and organizational model of the system of interaction of health care institutions within one hospital district

June 7, 2022
Specialities :

The article substantiates the conceptual functional and organizational model of the system of interaction of health care institutions within one hospital district. Important components of the social policy and socio-economic system of the state are the health care sector, the results of which affect all sectors of the national economy, determine the development of social structure and quality of life. The domestic healthcare sector is in a state of constant transformational change. In particular, as a result of the first stage of reforming the medical sector, hospital districts were formed. It has been proven that a hospital district is a functional combination of health care facilities located in a certain area that provide secondary (specialized) and emergency medical care to the population of such an area. It is determined that the hospital district should include secondary medical care institutions, the main of which is a multidisciplinary intensive care hospital. The main goal of the hospital district’s capable network is to provide high-quality, comprehensive, continuous patient-centered care, taking into account socio-demographic characteristics and peculiarities of population settlement in a given area. It is proved that in modern conditions the effective interaction of health care institutions should be based on the use of new management models; improving the quality of medical services; improving the forms of planning and organization of health care facilities; compliance with international standards of quality of medical services.


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