Retrospective analysis of the main indicators of efficiency of Kosiv Central District Hospital activity for the period 2014–2018

April 29, 2022
Specialities :

The article conducted a retrospective analysis of the main indicators of the efficiency of Kosiv Central District Hospital (CDH). The author’s methodology for calculating the performance indicators of the hospital’s activity on the components of medical, social and economic efficiency is proposed. The reasons for the low level of efficiency of Kosiv CDH’s activity are substantiated and ways to increase it are proposed.

The purpose was to carry out a retrospective analysis of the effectiveness of the Kosiv CDH activity to determine the main problems of activity of local medical institutions and to form scientifically sound proposals for improving the medical system in the newly created united territorial communities.

Research methods. The article uses general scientific research methods, in particular: synthesis analysis (in the study of scientific literature and determining the effectiveness of the Kosiv CDH activity), economic and statistical analysis and comparison (in the calculation of indicators of medical, social and economic efficiency of activity of the Kosiv CDH), generalization (in the development of recommendations for improving the efficiency of Kosiv CDH).

Results. The author’s methodology for calculating the indicators of assessment of medical, social and economic efficiency of Kosiv CDH’s activity was developed. A retrospective analysis of the efficiency of Kosiv CDH’s activity was carried out, which made it possible to state a low level of efficiency, which was formed under the influence of factors not dependent on the activity of the hospital itself. The need to introduce paid medical services and their implementation by the Kosiv CDH, the development of public-private partnership and the mechanism of purchase of a diagnostic car for the implementation of programs for complex diagnostics of the health of the Kosiv city united territorial community is substantiated.


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