Analysis of staffing and financial condition as components of the logistics management of the MNPE «Rubizhne Central City Hospital» Rubizhne City Council of Luhansk region

April 29, 2022
Specialities :

The article is devoted to the theoretical review of the personnel management system and the diagnosis of the financial condition of the medical institution. An overview of the positions of various scientists on the concept of «personnel logistics» is given. In particular, the survey found that the elements of optimization of the logistics component of the company’s personnel policy are incoming staff flows (staffing analysis, planning, recruitment), internal staff flows (workplace organization, performance appraisal, employee motivation system, personnel service, remuneration, training and formation of the concept of company culture in employees), initial staff flows (transfer, dismissal of staff). If we summarize the results of the analysis of existing definitions, we can find that the content of personnel logistics as a process of optimizing personnel flows is obvious. The estimation of the concept of financial condition from the point of view of possibilities of its optimization at the enterprises of medical branch is resulted. The analysis of the financial condition and personnel potential of the MNPE «Rubizhne Central City Hospital» Rubizhne City Council of the Luhansk Region was carried out on the basis of the financial statements of the enterprise. According to the results of the analysis it is established that there is a steady trend to reduce almost all important indicators of economic activity of the enterprise, indicating a decline in profitability and efficiency of the enterprise, the amount of retained earnings in 2020 compared to losses in 2019 increased. There is an increase in the value of fixed assets, equity, current liabilities. The average number of production staff increased by 5.78%, or 38 people, while the number of hours worked increased by 19%. At the same time, given the decrease in net income and, consequently, profitability, production per 1 worker, we can still state a general deterioration in the financial condition of the hospital in 2020. According to the results of the study, we propose to consider the possibility of improving the efficiency of human resources management through the introduction of institutions of social and logistics services.


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