Distinctive neuropsychological indicators in patients suffering from peptic ulcer in the acute phase and in remission

January 31, 2022

Aim of the study is to analyze the distinctive patterns of the neuropsychological indicators in patients suffering from peptic ulcer (PU) in the acute phase and in remission.

Research methodology. 84 patients suffering from PU were comprehensively examined while in the acute phase of the disease and then all 84 were reexamined while in remission. The age range of the patients was from 25 to 60 years. The average age was 39.90±1.29 years. The examined individuals were separated into two groups based on whether they presented symptoms of an acute phase or remission of the PU. The control group comprised 30 generally healthy individuals with no somatic conditions. In order to identify and study distinctive neuropsychological indicators, the patients were subjected to a comprehensive examination, which included trait and state anxiety levels monitoring based on the Spielberg — Khanin scale, depressive state evaluation using Beck Depression Inventory, self-perceived health assessment, mood, and activity monitoring using the SAN questionnaire, cognitive impairment evaluation using the MMSE scale, and the assessment of the refocusing speeds and performance distribution using Schulte tables.

Findings. It was identified that the level of trait anxiety closely correlates with the duration of the PU (r=0.86). When tested using Beck Depression Inventory, 79 patients (76.6%) in the acute phase of PU and 31 patients (36.9%) in remission demonstrated signs of a depressive disorder at varying levels of intensity. Assessment using the SAN questionnaire revealed a statistically significant decrease in the levels of self-perceived health, mood, and activity in patients suffering from PU in the acute phase (р<0.05). The research allowed to determine a moderate correlation between the levels of trait anxiety and the cognitive impairment levels identified using the MMSE scale (r=0.53). Moreover, a correlation between the levels of depression and the cognitive impairment levels identified using the MMSE scale was also determined (r=0.49).

Conclusions. Having analyzed the data obtained from the neuropsychological testing, it was concluded that the manifestations of the nervous system dysfunction, such as anxiety, depressive disorder, cognitive impairment, and overall lower levels of wellbeing, typically occur in patients suffering from PU.


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