Complex correction of stress-related disorders in students of higher education with a history of traumatic events

January 28, 2022
Specialities :

In order to implement medical-organizational and me­dical-diagnostic approaches aimed at improving the health of higher education recipients in Ukraine, 249 students of Dnipro state medical university and Dnipro basic medical college were examined with signs of adaptation disorders and without them. The main group consisted of 159 respondents with a history of traumatic events, including children of participants in the anti-terrorist operation and internally displaced persons. The picture of adaptation disorders was a constellation of symptoms that meet the criteria of affective, neurotic, stress and somatoform disorders. The use of treatment and prevention tactics based on the principles of personalized medicine, using traditional and non-traditional methods allows to activate the natural mechanisms of adaptation and increase stress resistance. The analysis of the obtained data revealed that the specific and most frequent manifestation of neurotic disorders in students who have experienced psycho-emotional stress are situation-related reactions of mental maladaptation. After the completion of the integration intervention, the results showed a marked improvement in all indicators, namely a slight level of stress, depression and anxiety, improved well-being. The results of a 36-month follow-up study indicate the high efficiency of the proposed system for the correction of adaptation disorders in high-risk students in the educational process. The obtained data can be used to implement an effective system of comprehensive correction of psychosocial maladaptation and rehabilitation work.


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