Causes of unsatisfactory results of diagnostics of peritonitis at the prehospital stage

August 26, 2021
Specialities :

The aim was study of the causes of unsatisfactory results of peritonitis diagnostics at the prehospital stage.

Matherials and methods. The study included 265 patients with peritonitis of various origins, who were treated in 2020 in the surgical department of Brovary Multidisciplinary Clinical Hospital, among them there were 124 (46.8%) females and 141 (53.2%) males.

Results. After 24 hours from the onset of the first symptoms of the disease, 87 (32.8%) patients were hospitalized. Of these, in 49 (56.3%) cases there was local, in 28 (32.2%) — diffuse, in 7 (8.0%) patients — diffuse, and in 3 (3.5%) cases — general peritonitis. At late hospitalization of patients the character of exudate in an abdominal cavity at peritonitis was serous in 12 (13.8%), serous-fibrinous — in 19 (21.8%), fibrinous-purulent — in 11 (12.6%), purulent — in 39 (44.8%), fecal — in 1 (1.2%), hemorrhagic — in 3 (3.5%) and bile — in 2 (2.3%) cases.

Conclusions. The most important reason for unsatisfactory results of diagnosis and treatment of peritonitis is late treatment, which is a consequence of self-medication or referral to specialists in alternative medicine. Of the 87 cases of late hospitalization of patients with peritonitis in 64 (73.6%) cases the cause was self-medication, in 7 (8.0%) — alternative medicine, in 16 (18.4%) — errors of nurses as in prehospital, and in the hospital stages.


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