Psychological features of adolescents with psoriasis

August 13, 2021

Assessment of the psychological characteristics of adolescents with psoriasis at the age of 13–17 years according to the test «R. Cattell’s personality factor questionnaire» revealed a low range of personality traits, which are significantly lower than the standard descriptors in 9 out of 14 factors in boys and in 13 out of 14 factors in girls. The results obtained in the study made it possible to determine the psychological profile of boys with psoriasis as cautious, restrained, yielding, superficial in work and in social contacts, sensitive and trusting of loved ones and dependent on significant persons. Inflexibility and slowness in their behaviour can cause misunderstandings and a narrowed social circle. The presence of behavioural reactions with mood variability and multidirectional tendencies of emotional balance can be associated with the characteristics of the disease progression and adolescence. Girls with psoriasis are not sociable enough, cautious and restrained in social contacts, have a feeling of inferiority, which leads to detachment, aloofness and social isolation. They need support and can be obsessive. Manifestations of insufficiently formed emotional-volitional characteristics are manifested depending on the social environment, situations and disease progression.


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