Prevention of bleeding in patients with hemophilia

April 23, 2021

Management of patients with severe hemophilia A and B remains a complex problem in clinical medicine due to the high frequency of antibodies against deficient factors. The solution may be the use of drugs with a shunt mechanism of action, namely activated eptacog alfa (rFVIIa) and antiinhibitory coagulation complex of blood coagulation factors II, VII, IX, X. The effectiveness of antiinhibitory coagulation complex has been proven by international randomized clinical trials — about 80%. Its significant advantage is a long half-life — up to 8–12 hours. From the modern point of view, the principles of application of the antiinhibitory coagulation complex for the purpose of prevention of bleeding episodes are important. According to the results of international randomized clinical trials, its prophylactic use is maximum effective, which involves the introduction of a dose of 80–85 IU/kg 3 times a week.


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