Neurometabolic strategy of pharmacotherapy of affective disorders: whom, when and why?

February 4, 2021

One of the most important from a clinical point of view problems related to the diagnosis and treatment of depression, especially in general medical and neurological practice, is a significant increase in affective disorders, called dysthymia, i.e. psychoemotional states characterized by mood swings or predominance of reduction of psycho-emotional state, a feeling of depression, indifference, which however is not stable and is periodically replaced by «normal» perception of themselves and others. Such conditions, not being depression in the strictly nosological sense of the term, may precede the development of depressive disorder, and may be characterized by stability for a long time. In dysthymia, the appointment of «classic» antidepressants is not always indicated. In this situation, the so-called thymo-stabilisers, or mood correctors, may be more useful — drugs with a mild complex mechanism of action on the psycho-emotional sphere, which increase mood and vitality without a pronounced effect on psychopathological symptoms. An innovative domestic complex Deprilium®, which includes S-adenosyl-L-methionine, L-methylfolate and methylcobalamin, is fundamentally different from conventional antidepressants and characterizes another strategy of action — neurometabolic.


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